Monday, April 25, 2011

Making plans with Casca

I walked up to Casca and I described the night as "A very pleasing night to honest men."  I said this to get Casca thinking a little about what I said, and he is a little apprehensive. I tell him the reason why the night is so harsh, which is because, it's a sign from the Gods stating that if Caesar is in charge then everyone will become his slave. Saying this got Casca really enraged, because he is no ones slave. 
Casca then turned pretty easily against Caesar, which made my job easy. Casca and I then began to plan out our plot against Caesar so he doesn't become in charge. While we were talking, another one of Caesar's "friends" arrived. I sent him (Cinna) to send these forged letters to Brutus, but not hand deliver it, I had him throw them through his window.

I feel my plans are becoming more and more together, because I have a pretty big alliance against Caesar. This is just the beginning of my plot, and I assure that I will execute it!   

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Having a chat with Brutus

I went to see Brutus so I could have a nice little talk with him about Caesar. While I was trying to talk to him some soothsayer told Caesar to "Beware the ides of March." Whatever that means. Anyways, while I was talking with Brutus, whom I find to be of great value to me, I tried to somewhat have him join can say, alliance. I feel I have become a friend to him, and hope to keep it like that. After all he is the one eveyone trusts the most.