Sunday, May 15, 2011

Farewell to all.

This will be my last post. I fear I have killed my best friend Titinius. He was caught by the enemy. I have failed greatly and I am ashamed at what I have done to my people. If only everything went as planned, I wouldn't be writing my last words at this moment. To all my friends I say goodbye and I hope you don't suffer like I did. Titinius I am sorry for the pain and misery I put you through my good friend.

This is my goodbye. Ceasar you got your revenge I will soon be dead, and Antony could stop looking for me. Goodbye to all whom I loved ~ Cassius

This is it!

We are now at war with Antony and Octavius. Me and Brutus said our goodbyes to one another in case we died at war. Winning this war would mean a very big win for me! I would most likely be able to gain power, oh sweet power!
We spilt our armys. because there was a moutain right in the middle, so it was best to go on both ends. I fear Brutus may not make it out alive, because he is not as strong as I am, but I still wish him the best. This journey was indeed a long one and I hope to come out triumph!

Oh Brutus!

I meet with Brutus, which wasn't very pleasant. He accused me of having an itching plam! Ha! Me oh please! He is clearly fooled, I and not one who is greedy if anything its him. He also says that I didn't send him money for him to pay his soliders. This is not true I would never do this.....Well maybe I heard about it, but thats not the point! For my friend to say these things about me really hurts.

Brutus and I then finally made admends because we had a war to plan against Antony. I also found out that Portia (Brutus's wife) had died. I was so shocked to hear this, she seemed so nice. Anyways we plan to go where Antony is located, well Brutus decided this. but I must keep my composure so Brutus doesn't de-freind again.

On the run

So everything I planned out with great detail failed. Antony is on the hunt for me and Brutus looking for revenge for Ceasar. I am so enraged by this, its all Brutus's fault, if only he listened to me from the beinging. Brutus has done me wrong no more! I will make sure Brutus does not over power me again!

Brutus and me are going to have to have a long talk. He is no friend of mine, one who betrays someone they say they care about is an enemy. Me and my men are traveling to see Brutus at his tent so I could tell Brutus how awful of a person he really is. I will write more when me and Brutus meet.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Trying to make amends.

The death of Caesar cause many Romans to become confused and upset about what happened to Caesar. This was something I did not plan out after the murder of Caesar. I had to think fast, because I didn't want the people to start a riot. But of course Brutus knew exactly what to do in this case. At this point Antony was coming back. We had to make sure Antony doesn't try to take revenge for Caesar's death. Brutus said like always that he is no harm to us.Antony came in and saw Caesar's body. I was really nervous as to what he might do next.
Antony was really upset, but he just wanted to know why we killed Caesar. It seemed to me that he was okay with Caesar's death and does not want revenge on Caesar. This is becoming a great day for me, and I hope everything goes as smoothly as this went.

The big day! Continued....

I told Trebonius to take Antony away from the senate. Now that Caesar's true friend was gone we were about to complete our mission. All of the conspirators did as they were told and they tried to see if Caesar would give in to any of their requests. As we all know, he did not. Now is where things start to really pick up.

The first one to stab Caesar was Casca, and the last one was (who Caesar thought was his best friend) Brutus. This was the day I've been waiting for Caesar was finally dead! Caesar's last words were to Brutus in which he said "Et tu, Brutus?" This maybe a little hard for Brutus to take, but that's nothing to worry about right now.

The big day!

Today is the day when Caesar gets what he deserves. I've been waiting for this day for the longest time. Even though I am pretty excited, I feel our plan might be coming to an end. Popilius said to me "I wish your enterprise today may thrive." I was very fearful that he might say something, and everything would be over.

This could very well be the end of me, but I am not going to give up that easily. Brutus said that he did not tell Caesar anything, because Caesar was smiling and laughing. This made me a little more relaxed. I hope this goes to plan.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Heading to Brutus's house.

Me and my men were on our way to see Brutus at his place, to come up with our plan to execute Caesar. When we arrived I told Brutus that the men with me were cool. I then asked if I could have a word with him about what we are about to plan. When we returned back to the men Brutus was telling them to put their hands together, and I was like yeah like a oath, but he said no quickly. This made me a little furious, but I knew I had to agree with everything Brutus said in order to keep him in my alliance. Brutus made this  long speech.

I then added that some people might be a threat to us, like Marc Antony, but he felt that Antony just might end up killing himself over Caesar's death. I just let it slide and listened to what Brutus had to say. It was  time to go, because we were set to kill Caesar in 5 hours.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Making plans with Casca

I walked up to Casca and I described the night as "A very pleasing night to honest men."  I said this to get Casca thinking a little about what I said, and he is a little apprehensive. I tell him the reason why the night is so harsh, which is because, it's a sign from the Gods stating that if Caesar is in charge then everyone will become his slave. Saying this got Casca really enraged, because he is no ones slave. 
Casca then turned pretty easily against Caesar, which made my job easy. Casca and I then began to plan out our plot against Caesar so he doesn't become in charge. While we were talking, another one of Caesar's "friends" arrived. I sent him (Cinna) to send these forged letters to Brutus, but not hand deliver it, I had him throw them through his window.

I feel my plans are becoming more and more together, because I have a pretty big alliance against Caesar. This is just the beginning of my plot, and I assure that I will execute it!   

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Having a chat with Brutus

I went to see Brutus so I could have a nice little talk with him about Caesar. While I was trying to talk to him some soothsayer told Caesar to "Beware the ides of March." Whatever that means. Anyways, while I was talking with Brutus, whom I find to be of great value to me, I tried to somewhat have him join can say, alliance. I feel I have become a friend to him, and hope to keep it like that. After all he is the one eveyone trusts the most.